Merry Christmas: Let's Do a Power Hour!

                Today is a rare, wondrous occurrence: It’s the first time since I’ve been writing that my blog day has fallen on the same day as Christmas. Sure, there have been chapters, but those are already set months in advance. Here, I get to be more personable, add those special touches that celebrate moments like this. So I decided that I wanted to get you all a present, and we all know the things you make are better than the ones you buy.

                I’ve been telling you folks about my love for Power Hours for years, and it occurred to me that as you all have the time off work, sometimes with traveling, sometimes dealing with family, there might come a time when you really want to work through six beers in a single hour. But drinking alone is a bit taboo, so what are you to do? Well, fear not, because I have finally found a way to share a drinking game I love with the readers I treasure.

                Presented below is the Thunder Pear Publishing Office Christmas Party, which is the sole employee, me, and my editor friend Ruby doing a Power Hour together, one which will play along with us shooting the shit and making small talk. It’s not perfect, there are dropped videos from when we were doing the power hour, which I replicated faithfully, and sound cuts out once in the middle because I’m still learning camera stuff. Still, it’s an overall faithful rendition of what it’s like to sit around with friends and watch short clips while drinking, because that’s what we did. The language is a little salty, for anyone who isn’t familiar with my work already, so fair warning on that front. Oh, and it was filmed over a week ago, which is why some of the references, such as us being excited for The Force Awakens Release, are already dated.

                Hopefully everyone enjoys my Christmas gift to you all, and perhaps can make good use of it when the season really wears you down. See you back here next year for more idiotic ideas, under-qualified advice, and general shenanigans. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays of all sorts!